Our Scope of Work
We provide services for the conduct of clinical trials and other study types in the area of medical-pharmaceutical research.
We offer excellent support for the realization of your projects: with our many years of experience in medical and pharmaceutical research and a well attuned, highly motivated team, we provide tailored solutions for every project!
- Project management
- Site management
Our rates are transparent and are negotiated either as part of a package deal, or on an hourly basis. You will benefit from a competent partner with an experienced and highly motivated team that takes care of your project from start to finish.
You can find further information about our services on this website or you can contact us via email at ta.slairtlacinilc@eciffo or by phone 01/585 80 63.
Our Offer
Each study project poses specific and often very individual challenges – we tailor our approach to fit your needs!
We provide
- the conduct of your study project from planning to implementation to completion, with quality monitoring by our experienced staff
- the supervision of compliance with legal and ethical frameworks
We supplement your project with
- an experienced, motivated and dedicated team: For many years our employees have successfully performed operative study activities in the fields of site management and project management
- customized flat rate packages or fee-based solutions: Your project is continuously supervised by our highly trained team

Contact Us
Clinical Trials Management GmbH
Invalidenstraße 3/12
1030 Vienna
T | +43 1 585 80 63
F | +43 1 585 79 67
M | ta.slairtlacinilc@eciffo