2019 has been a busy year for some of our athletic colleagues as well! Several charity runs have been on their schedules…
„Laufen hilft“ marked the beginning of the running year in March, followed by the Krebsforschungslauf on October 5, 2019, organized by the Medical University of Vienna at the university campus of the „Alte AKH“. Sanja Antic, Roswitha Kurz-Bajgora and Karin Wagner started alongside roughly 3000 other participants. Team CTM contributed a total of 30 rounds to various projects of the cancer research department of the Medical University Vienna.
Every donated Euro goes directly into cancer research – a total of 42 cancer research projects were able to be financed since 2007 thanks to the contributions made through the Krebsforschungslauf every year.
(Quelle: www.ccc.ac.at)

Matters became spooky on October 30, 2019: the Initiative Lungenhochdruck organized the Vienna Ghost Run. This run benefits research on pumonary hypertension, a diagnosis for which there is no cure at present, largely due to a lack of basic research in the field. Roswitha Kurz-Bajgora and Karin Wagner contributed for CTM:

You would like to help, too?
24h Spendenhotline der PH Austria
0800 228888(Quelle: ghostrun.at)
Spendenkonto PH Austria – Initiative Lungenhochdruck
IBAN: AT19 3200 0000 0030 4030
CTM finalized last year’s participation in charity runs on November 23, 2019 at the Wiener Movemberlauf at Prater Hauptalle with 5km each for Sanja Antic and Roswitha Kurz-Bajgora.
For the ASKÖ WAT Vienna and the Movember Foundation, health stands at the center of all activities. The ASKÖ WAT Vienna covers the athletic aspects of health, trying to counteract lack of exercise by organizing the „WIENER MOVEMBERLAUF“ every November.
(Quelle: movemberlauf.at/)

We are very proud of the athletic endeavors of our team members, who enabled CTM to contribute a small, but no less important part to research in 2019!